About Us

What do ninjas and turquoise have in common? They both kick


Welcome to Turquoise Ninja! I'm Drew Stair. You might recognize me from my IG @stairway_to_turquoise or from my heavy participation in the many turquoise groups on FB etc. Yep, I'm that guy that posts all the pretty turquoise that he won't sell. Well...

As an owner of PuebloDirect.com, I've been in the Native American jewelry trade for over 20 years. I've also been a lover of pretty rocks all my life. As a stone cutter and full blown turquoise addict, you can probably guess I've amassed a good bit of rough and finished stones over the years. While most of what I cut goes out to our Native artists to create awesome new jewelry for us, I just can't use it all. Plus, I really like buying new turquoise but my family is starting to give me angry looks so I think I need to sell a bit first. Hence the creation of Turquoise Ninja!

At Turquoise.Ninja you'll find a great mix of finished turquoise and variscite stones, rough and slabs. And probably some other stuff. I have a lot of rocks. Thanks for stopping buy and I look forward to sharing my stash with you!